Steel Tube Manufacturer India - What are the uses and advantages of Steel Tubes?

Steel Tube Manufacturer India

What are the uses and advantages of Steel Tubes?

Steel tubes are the pipe-like design developed with varied alloys, such as aluminum, manganese, titanium, and tungsten. These are durable, resistance, and tough in nature. It can be further molded in several shapes – round, rectangle, and square. Every year tonnes of steel tubes are produced to meet the ever-growing demand and vast application of it in various industries.

Classification of steel tube

There are majorly two kinds of tubes – welded and seamless. When the molten steel is put through the piercing rod, it is converted into hollow-shaped seamless steel tubes. While the welded steels are manufactured by curling or rolling a steel plate, it is welded at the seams to engender the right amount of strength and endurance.

With technological advancement, both of the kinds are reckoned as strong and robust. They meet the industrial-specific requirements with effective applications.

Industrial and domestic application

Steel tubes are expansively applied in industrial and domestic set ups. These are utilized and valued for their extreme strength and endurance to resist hazardous elements, extreme temperature, and pressure of environmental effects. In domestic settings, these are used for the gas pipes and usually placed inside the refrigerators as well.

Prominent Target Industries

These steel pipes are highly used in engineering or construction and automobile manufacturing field.

Engineering & Construction
  • The industrial HSS (hollow structural sections) tubes demanded in numerous shapes, viz. circular, square, and rectangle.
  • While at construction sites, these are used to produce metal scaffolding to support the movement of workers, materials, and equipment with ease. Moreover, these apparatus doesn’t need the nuts & bolts to fix the structure in one whole shape.
Automobile Production
  • The steel tubes make an effective contribution in the development of the automobile industry.
  • The high-grade tubes are used to make vehicular control systems, fuel injection parts and suspension.

There are many steel tube manufacturers in India. Madhav KRG Group is one of the renowned producers of steel tubes in a range of sizes, dimensions, and materials. Besides a range of products, it is the domicile of talented professionals, credibility, consistency, and authenticity.